Sunday, July 11, 2010

Corporate Lust

I wasn't nervous at first. Honestly it never felt real, that was until I got a call from the lobby saying there was a handsome gentleman in a suit asking for me. "Let him up please." Even then I was surprisingly calm that was until the knock on the door. All of a sudden I had butterflies in my stomach. I was triple checking myself in the mirror. I remember yelling, "I'll be right there." While telling myself, "You look fabulous Summer. Don't worry. It's just a few days. New doors right? This could be really fun. This is it. Be yourself."
There he was, just as I remembered. I was relieved, for a moment I had this nightmarish thought that he would look completely different. We exchanged the usual ideal chitchat, "Would you like a tour of my bachelorette pad? How was the flight? Would you like a glass of wine?" It felt effortless, like I was talking to an old friend. We went for dinner at this adorable Italian restaurant, split a bottle of wine, shared our meals and all the while I'm thinking to myself, this is so surreal.
All this time I had been so against corporate American and now here I was having dinner with the stereotype. Yet, it felt so right. I was starting to believe that fairytale dreams really do come true. In front of me was a man who defined success, who not only could give me all the material possession I ever wanted, but who wanted the same life I did. All my quirks were beautiful to him instead of hidden secrets.
If this is what a blissful relationship is suppose to feel like then clearly I have been missing out. I get it now. There really is some truth to all the cheesy Hallmark movies and love stories. Or is this just the honeymoon period, before the jealously and claws come out?
The weekend was over before I knew it and I didn't want him to leave. I felt like I was living the dream. He has this balance of gentleman and bad boy that I have never experienced. Is he my true match or just a rebound?

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